作者:Elliott Ng 来源:
CNReviews There has been a tremendous outpouring of energy from the blogosphere and on Twitter to determine the best way to help out. Having given to relief organizations after the Indonesia tsunami, and then hearing about the waste associated with relief efforts, I wanted to evaluate how to best contribute toward China earthquake disaster relief efforts. Please add comments and links and I will keep this post updated.
Related posts:
- interview on China-Crossroads: Rich Brubaker, AllRoadsLeadToChina, China-Crossroads
- CNReviews interview: Jeff Wright, Sr Program Officer for Humanitarian & Emergency Affairs, World Vision
- CNReviews interview: Christy Feig, Director of International Communications, American Red Cross
I. Red Cross and various conduits
There is widespread consensus that donating to the Red Cross is the most reliable way to provide immediate disaster relief. Tuesday night BJ time, Bill Bishop (Niubi) hosted an auction with 15 mostly Chinese friends, and the consensus was the best way to give is to provide funds directly to the Sichuan provincial Red Cross. The next best option would be to give to the national Red Cross of China.
“With how much media attention is given, [people believe there will be] lot less graft than in the past. This is unprecedented media coverage in China,” said Bill. “We are watching the evolution of the Chinese government before our eyes. Ideally, so much coverage and press will provide less opportunity for graft” and more funds reach the victims.
CNReviews believes that the unprecendented press coverage, including that of the state agencies, is helping people overcome fears that their funds will be misused. There is some discussion that international aid agencies believe the Chinese crisis is being relatively well handled compared to Myanmar such that they should shift their focus to Myanmar.
1. Red Cross Society of China

Details on Shanghaiist, Reuters (h/t @Chinafubar), China Crossroads, and Alibaba (EN):
- RMB wire instructions
- foreign currency wire instructions
- hotline
- Note: many people have reported problems with their Website.
1.5 Chinese Red Cross Foundation (in Chinese)

Details on IfGoGo.com
2. Red Cross Society of China Chengdu City

3. American Red Cross

CNReviews interview with Christy Feig, Director of International Communications, American Red Cross, 5/13.
Post is coming soon. Here’s an excerpt from the interview:
Q: Is there a way to make a directed donation toward China specifically?
A: Yes. If you would like to designate your donation to the earthquake please visit our website at www.redcross.org or call 1-800 RED CROSS. If you would prefer to donate to all our international disaster response, the option of giving to the International Response Fund is also available.
Q: Does 100% of funds donated pass to the Red Cross Society of China?
A: The American Red Cross takes donor intent very seriously. As a policy, no more than 9% of donated money is used for management expenses…the rest goes toward the designation.
Based on my interview, I feel comfortable donating to the American Red Cross with a specific designation to China. For more info, go to the American Red Cross website.
4. Canadian Red Cross (h/t China Web 2.0 blog)

A separate fund has been established for the China earthquake, according to China Web 2.0 blog.
4.5 Hong Kong Red Cross (h/t IfGoGo.com Donation Guide)
5. Jet Li One Foundation (Outside China)

From China Web 2.0 blog:
You can make donation via Paypal to Jet Li One Foundation, a charity foundation by Kung Fu movie star Jet Li. The donations will goes to Red Cross Society of China. The page is all in Chinese, but I think you can find the Paypal button on the right. But it seems you cannot specify the donation is special for earthquake when paying through Paypal
6. Jet Li One Foundation (Inside China) (h/t China Web 2.0 blog)
- via Taobao with Alipay or Tenpay account
- or via QQ
II. Other Aid Organizations
7. China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA) or China Fupin Foundation
中国扶贫基金会 (Beijing)

Donate RMB
* Account Name: 中国扶贫基金会
* Account Number: 8145-11681908091001
* Bank Name and Banch: 中国银行北京科技会展中心支行
Donate Clothes and Food, etc
* Address: Floor 5, South Building, Shuangyuxili, Haidian, Beijing |北京市海淀区双榆树西里36号南楼五层
* Tel: 010-62655199
* Working hour: 8:30am - 9pm
8. Shanghai Charity Foundation
website: http://scf.88547.com/home/
Donate RMB
* Account Name: 上海市慈善基金会
* Account Number: 033351-00043984343
* Bank Name and Banch: 农行黄浦区陆家浜路支行
Donate Clothes and Food, etc
* SCF HQ: Floor 6, 88 Zhiizaoju Rd. 制造局路88号6楼 |62584343、63124091
* SCF Logistics Center (Puxi): No. 164, # 405 Lane, Zhengning Rd.| 镇宁路405弄164号 52394294
* SCF Logistics Center (Pudong): 2795 Middle Yanggao Rd |杨高中路2795号 62124343
* SCF Education Aid Dept: 80 Shanxibei Rd.| 陕西北路80号 62560695
Working hour: 9am - 9pm (Monday - Sunday)
9. China Women Development Foundation (with Sohu.com)

Website: http://www.cwdf.org.cn
Donate RMB or foreign currencies via bank transfer。
- Account Name:中国妇女发展基金会
- Bank:中国工商银行北京市分行东四南支行
- Account Number: 0200001009014423956
- Remarks: 抗震救灾捐款 Donate for Sichuan Earthquake Relief
The foundation will mail you the receipt afterwards. And the report (in Chinese) also says the donation is tax-refundable. But the detail process didn’t include.
10. China Children & Teenagers Fund (CCTF, 中国少年儿童基金会)
Website: http://www.cctf.org.cn/English/index.htm
CCTF has formed a charity foundation for earthquak relief with with China Merchant Bank (CMB). Source from Sohu.
- Account Number:0582626510001
- Account Name:中国儿童少年基金会
- Bank:招商银行北京分行长安街支行
You might also find regular international donation information to CCTF here with SWIF code.
11. World Vision
Through World Vision, I’ve sponsored one child in Tanzania for 10+ years, and one child in Kenya for 1+ years, so I know World Vision well.
Interviewed Jeff Wright, Sr. Program Officer for Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs, 5/13
Blog post coming soon, but here’s a quick synopsis:
- World Vision has been operating in China since 1962. Operating legally with some kind of government approval
- Primary country office in Beijing, with support office in Hong Kong, and regional offices in Yunnan, Gansu, and Shaanxi provinces
- Has existing national offices with large local Chinese staff
- Staff is not full-time focused on disaster recovery, but serving in other development projects like HIV/AIDS and agriculture, but all have training in disaster response
- World Vision has sought to be effective through “pre-positioning” of three key assets: people, relief supplies/materials, and funding.
- Funds have already been set aside to provide rapid relief
- Clear and stringent operational guidelines for WorldVision volunteers or employees to directly deliver aid to the victim or “end user”
12. Care for Children (CFC)

China consultancy Dezan Shira has been supporting this organization (h/t This is China! blog). On the Dezan Shira blog, China Briefing, they write:
CFC works with the Sichuan and Chengdu Civil Affairs government for disadvantaged children in: Chengdu, Guangyuan, Deyang, Zamtang, Maoxian, Neijiang, Zigong, Bazhong, Mianyang and Yibin in Sichuan Province in addition to Chongqing City.
On this difficult occasion we would like to ask our subscribers, readers, and other members of the China blogging and business community to rally together and show their support of the Chinese children caught up in this disaster by making a donation, no matter how large or small, to CFC in assistance of their regional work. All money raised will be directed to support children and their families affected by the earthquake.
13. PledgeBank challenge (h/t Rconversation)
Rebecca MacKinnon (at Rconversation) is challenging people via Facebook and Twitter to sign her PledgeBank to commit to giving. I signed up for this. Here’s what she recommends:
14. Global Giving (h/t ChristineLu.com)
Global Giving is a 501(c)3 tax-deductable organization that highlights vetted projects.
15. Mercy Corps (listed in Global Giving, IfGoGo.com)
16. Half the Sky Foundation
III. Other Sources
China Crossroads
Richard Brubaker’s China Crossroads blog lists a number of other options. I added links and tried to conform names to the official names (but might have guessed wrong):
Short Term:
Long term (Chinese organizations):
Long term (International organizations):
22. Donating via China Mobile (Inside China)
According to the Mukokuseki blog (@Papajohn):
One of my coworkers sent a fast and easy way to donate money to the relief efforts ongoing in Sichuan province. If you have a China Mobile phone, just text a number between 1 and 30 to 10699988, and the corresponding amount will be deducted from your China Mobile account balance and donated. I just tried it and got this message in response:
It’s nice to see ubiquitous technology put to work for a good cause.
23. Isaac Mao
Isaac is working on identifying an NGO to support. More on this later.
24. Douban: 目前为止所有捐助方式汇总
More donor resources here
25. Contribute to Red Cross via Yeepay (inside China)
26. Doron Vermaat of NewChinaCareer.com
We have uploaded several banners to the homepage of NewChinaCareer asking our visitors to support emergency relief efforts to help those affected by this earthquake. We currently link these banners directly to the donation form of the Red Cross website: American Red Cross China Earthquake relief fund.
IfGoGo.com Donation Guide
The blogging team at IfGoGo.com has also listed many other options. I’ve integrated their suggestions above wherever possible. Here are some more suggestions from them:
27. Chinese Consulate in New York (for US givers)
- see Method 1 on IfGoGo for instructions
- method: via US check
- address provided
- phone number provided
- Consulate website (in Chinese)
28. China Charity Foundation
- see Method 4 on IfGoGo for instructions
- also mentioned by China Crossroads (see above)
- wire instructions provided
- China Charity website (in Chinese)
29. OxFam Hong Kong
30. Bullog via PayPal
- see Method 8 on IfGoGo
- IfGoGo: “Bullog, a famous right-wing web forum in China, founded by Yonghao Luo.”
- online donation link
- see Method 9 on IfGoGo
- MITBBS website
- PayPal instructions provided on IfGoGo
- Note from IfGoGo on tax deductability: “Note that MITBBS/Bullog are both popular and high-ranked BBSs among Chinese community, they are doing everything they can do to help the victims in the earthquake, but keep in mind that they are not a non-profit/tax free agency. [If you want a tax-exempt receipt. this might not be a good choice]”
32. Silicon Valley Tsinghua Network (on IfGoGo as SVNT)
33. 1kg.org (h/t Web 2.0 Review)
- main website
- CNReviews profile of Andrew Yu and 1kg
- relief special website (Chinese)
- Web 2.0 Review description: “1kg has set up a special site to offer relief efforts, including collecting information about schools in epicenter, organizing relief activities, and helping to provide necessary resource to rebuild schools”
34. Library Project (h/t co-blogger @DavidFeng at CityWeekend’s Beijingologist blog)
- Library Project homepage
- Library Project China Earthquake project page
- description from the project page: “The Library Project has created a program, “Project: Earthquake Relief”, to help rebuild the educational system that was affected as a result of the earthquake. It is projected that hundreds of elementary schools have been damaged in the Sichuan and Shaanxi Provinces. The Library Project will be providing educational resources for the displaced children attending temporary schools.”
35. Samaritan’s Purse
People’s Daily (h/t Shanghaiist) announces Franklin Graham donation:
American evangelist Franklin Graham yesterday donated 2 million yuan ($285,000) to help the victims of the Wenchuan earthquake.The CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, established by and named after his father, and the international Christian relief organization Samaritan’s Purse, said from Shanghai that in the days and weeks ahead, he and his organizations will do all they can to help.
36. Give2Asia / Committee of 100 Earthquake Relief Fund (h/t Cup of Cha)
Chinese Websites helping collect donations online (h/t ChinaVortex)
ChinaVortex highlights the following websites making online donations easy for Chinese:
- Tianya
- Shanda
- The9
- Giant Interactive
IV. Badges and Widgets
Lost Laowai
Get the embed code to add a badge like this:

Lost Laowai embed code here

See POPOEVER Flickr set “Help China Earth Quake Refugees”
More to come…last updated 5/15 10:35 pm BJ time