Global Internet Liberty Campaign

来源:Global Internet Liberty Campaign

Statement of Principles

The Global Internet Liberty Campaign was formed at the annual meeting of the Internet Society in Montreal. Members of the coalition include the American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Human Rights Watch, the Internet Society, Privacy International, the Association des Utilisateurs d'Internet, and other civil liberties and human rights organizations.
The Global Internet Liberty Campaign advocates...

* Prohibiting prior censorship of on-line communication.

* Requiring that laws restricting the content of on-line speech distinguish between the liability of content providers and the liability of data carriers.

* Insisting that on-line free expression not be restricted by indirect means such as excessively restrictive governmental or private controls over computer hardware or software, telecommunications infrastructure, or other essential components of the Internet.

* Including citizens in the Global Information Infrastructure (GII) development process from countries that are currently unstable economically, have insufficient infrastructure, or lack sophisticated technology.

* Prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

* Ensuring that personal information generated on the GII for one purpose is not used for an unrelated purpose or disclosed without the person's informed consent and enabling individuals to review personal information on the Internet and to correct inaccurate information.

* Allowing on line users to encrypt their communications and information without restriction.

We invite you our fellow users from around the world who are interested in taking concerted action to protect the Internet to join us in this campaign.
