



通报说,最近,这家自称为“中国国际中文电视台”的网站在各地非法建立记者队伍进行新闻采访活动,其行为严重违反了《互联网等信息网络传播视听节目 管理办法》(广电总局39号令)第六条等有关规定,情节严重,各地广电行政部门要依法予以严处。与此同时,各地广播电视播出机构要加强对节目来源的审查, 提高警惕,防止非法“网络电视台”的节目通过广播电视进入家庭。

2006年12月25日,广电总局就曾下发通报,要求查处非法“网络电视台”,当时被列入黑名单的有“中国国际网络电视台”(www. ccnettv.com)、“中国国际传媒网络电视台”(www.cimn.tv)、“中国国际经济电视台”(www.ccentv.com/www. ccentv.tv)、“中国网络电视台”(www.cntv.net.cn)、“中央网络电视台”(1)(www.vctv.cn)、“中央网络电视 台”(2)(www.tvch.tv)、“中亚网络电视台”(www.zytv.tv)。

1 条评论:

pbsum 说...

Nowadays, Internet TV and radio are so widespread that it's hard to regulate. Here in the USA, the Government (FCC) has been trying to find ways to regulate the Internet but are powerless due to a courting rulings. As it stands today, the Internet continues to go unregulated, thus allowing a loophole for 3rd party software merchants and other sources to develop their own software and sites that retrieve free Internet TV channel feeds, videos, and other free content from the Web. But, as long as these merchants don't violate any Copyright, Digital Millennium, and Intellectual laws they can continue business as usual. However, some of them have been sued by Major TV and Video companies.

Internet TV Software