创建这个平台的目的在于,为公益组织提供综合的、多功能的和多语系的在线服务以增强我们这些中西部公益组织的信息传播能力。每个组织和它的成员都可以登陆该平台, 并通过该平台来创建、再混生和共享各种类型的信息。公益组织可以利用该平台提供的更富创意的方式来强化自身的组织力,分享媒介使用技巧,增进公众参与介入。
我们拟开发的新平台将内置内容管理系统(CMS)的各项功能,集成基于web机器人的强大的信息采集系统,以及有聚合信息能力的 web2.0社区个人门户。这种系统基于博客并且拥有一系列Web 2.0组件,如图片共享、播客、书签、对等网络等,并扩大到其它更复杂的Web 2.0应用,如协同创作环境(如维基技术用于与公益组织合作翻译英文读物),以及其他流行的应用,诸如论坛、文件上传和下载以及友情链接等等。
2)传播与信息科技的培训班将轮流在四个地点开展:广东省广州市 ,云南省昆明市 ,陕西省西安市、安徽省合肥市。每期培训25家公益组织。
3)设计和持续开发一套培训教材,内容围绕信息通信技术和Web 2.0应用和实践的主题。
从软件工程的角度看,一个有效的信息传播平台应该让用户高效、正确、便捷地使用起来,该平台就需要有面向应用的说明文档和用户手册。这就需要对我们的目标公益组织对平台使用与Web2.0有一个培训的过程。培训教材将包括在中国具体特定的社会和技术背景下与基层公益组织密不可分的一系列Web 2.0软件工具的使用介绍。结合前人的研究和已有的调研数据,第一版的培训教材将包括博客、社会化网络、社会化书签、即时通信、音视频会议、视频共享、维基和微博客技术等工具的介绍。
The overall goal of the NPO project is to introduce Web 2.0 tools and at the same time improve the ICT (Information and Communication Technology) literacy of NPOs in rural China. Second, this project will build a digital platform through which a scalable communication infrastructure for NPOs in Western and central regions of China will be established.
Why are digital media and Web 2.0 vital to the NPOs in underdeveloped regions of China? Driven by open source software and network effects, Web 2.0 can serve as a perfect medium through which NPOs can reach out to old and potential new constituents at little cost. Our project is aimed at building the technological capacity of targeted NPOs. ICT and new media technology, particularly 2.0, constitutes the focus of this project.
This project is made up of three components.
1. two training workshops (50 in total) will be held per year.
2. a social media digital platform will be piggybacked on NGOCN.ORG. The platform will combine the strengths of Web 1.0 and 2.0 functionalities for communication capacity building of targeted NPOs. This platform will be introduced at each training workshop and given to Chinese NPOs for free. An NPO ranking system will also be integrated into the platform to enable us to evaluate the accountability and communication capability of each organization. This ranking will be important for businesses interested in social giving. Toward that end, the Public Relations Department of Ogilvy Beijing (a transnational advertising agency) has agreed to work the project directors to promote this platform to multinational clients and local Chinese clients who are committed to enhancing their corporate social responsibility program.
3. Training materials will be developed with a focus on social media, specifically Web 2.0 culture and software tools.
To date, there are no such digital platforms for NPOs in China. Second, most NPO training workshops are focused on improving organizational efficiency of NPOs. The proposed workshops are focused on the training of communication technology. Third, there is extensive work addressing the phenomenon of the ‘digital divide’ in theoretical terms but problem-solving social practice alleviating the ‘divide’ is scarce. Fourth, this platform is scalable within China and can even serve as a mdel for NPO practitioners in other developing countries.
Guangzhou; Kunming; Xian; Hefei