Few days ago I posted an article that talk about a VPN service - CyberGhost that allows you free surf online anonymously. As I said, to find a free VPN service is not easy, most VPN services do not have free version, only a few days you can test, even some services are expensive. For me, VPN is not one that I must have, I do not have any problem to surf internet, if I want hide my IP address I can use many ways. I use VPN only for test service. Today, I like introduce another VPN service Alonweb that also offers a free version.
As some VPN services, Alonweb also requires download OpenVPN. You need register an account with Alonweb. Compare to CyberGhost, it was much easier, you do not need active account step.
After that, you can install OpenVPN. Just follow wizard step by step, check some screenshots below.

It may appears a warning window while you install software that like this screenshot below, just click "Continue Anyway" button keep going.

After all done, run OpenVPN that has a small icon stay on system tray, right click mouse on icon, pick "Connect" on extension menu. Fill your user name and password into a bar. After a while, you will see connection icon display green light on system tray. Now, you can surf internet anonymously.

By the way, Alonweb is a new service, the free version also has some limited, 1GB broadband usage a month. I tested it a very short time it works fine, but after two hours it broke connection automatically no reason.
几天前,我曾经写过一篇文章来介绍虚拟个人网络服务商- CyberGhost, 它可以用来匿名浏览网络。正如我所说的,要找到一个免费的虚拟个人网络并不是一件容易的事。大多数虚拟个人网络服务商并不是免费的,最多给你几天的试用 期,有些甚至还很贵。对我来说,虚拟个人网络服务并不是我必须要拥有的东西,以我的环境要浏览网络并不存在任何问题,如果要隐藏自己的IP地址的话,也有 很多种方法。我使用虚拟个人网络服务仅仅是为了测试他们的服务。今天,我想介绍另一个免费的虚拟个人网络服务商 - Alonweb。
如一些虚拟个人网络服务上一样,Alonweb也使用OpenVPN,所以你需要下载这个软件。其次是在它的网站上注册一个账户,与CyberGhost的注册过程相比较,这个比较容易, 而且也没有激活账户这一步。
也许在安装过程中会出现下面这样一个警告窗口,只要点击"Continue Anyway"按钮继续进行即可。
